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Modelling and numerical simulation of multi-physical problems


Multiphysics is the process of simulating the effects of two or more interacting physical phenomena. Multiphysics typically involve solving coupled systems of partial differential equations.
Until recently, simulating an entire aircraft configuration was a highly complicated, time-consuming and expensive undertaking.
Thanks to the phenomenal increase in computing power over the past decade, coupled with significant advances in CFD/Multiphysics technologies, it’s now possible to routinely conduct simulations of complete aircraft configurations quicker and more accurately than ever before.
The ability to model a complete aircraft system at desired flight conditions provides valuable data to enable users with faster and cheaper design and evaluation cycles, which in turn results in significant cost savings with accelerated time-to-market. SES Group provides high fidelity engineering analysis services for a wide range of aeromechanics applications.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Computational fluid dynamics for aerothermodynamics and plasmas

Atmospheric entry Problem Analysis

Reaction Control System (RCS) Analysis for Missile and Re-entry Capsule

Aircraft Aerodynamics

Thermal engineering

Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Multi-Physical Problems